Counterintuitive maybe, but realistic! Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry

Time and time again, scientific evidence has supported the fact that anthropogenic activities that increase the volume of greenhouses gasses (GHGs) in the atmosphere is the cause of accelerated climate change. Average global temperatures have shown trends of gradual increases, with average temperatures in the years 2016 and 2020 recorded to be the hottest years on record. While many human activities play major roles in contributing to these elevated levels of GHGs, the largest contributor to these emissions is the burning of fossil fuels.


Fossil fuels are organic materials that has been decomposing for millions of years under Earth’s crust. While coal is the most abundant of all the fossil fuels, crude oil and its by-products including petroleum, diesel, and kerosene, are the most consumed. When burned, they serve three main purposes in today’s modern world – generating electricity and heat, and transportation – all of which contribute to almost 75% of the world’s global emissions annually. Thus, it is easy to associate the energy sector particularly the oil and gas (O&G) industry with being the culpable antagonist to the Global Sustainability and Net-Zero Agenda and aim to collapse an entire industry in search of a greener future.


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